Last night I had a thought while browsing Bandcamp. There is more music and better music coming out now than ever before.
Some years ago I thought that that the best age of music had come and gone with the 70s. My reasoning at that time was that technology had come to a peaking point. This included the widespread availability and relatively cheap price point of electric instruments. Also, recording high quality sound was possible and easier than it had ever been before. Since that point, with the rise in popularity of television and then internet, and also including video games and other distractions, it seemed to me that it would be difficult for any individual to dedicate the time and practice to totally master an instrument as individuals had done before. For me, probably because I was such a huge Led Zeppelin fan, the 70s seemed like the decade where great musicians where able to really be put on display. So many had been able to dedicate themselves into mastering an instrument. Obviously many musicians had been masters of their craft prior to that, but now it was possible to blend that mastery with THE ELECTRIC GUITAR (and other musical possibilities enhanced by technology) and hence, the birth of metal and all kinds of new other sounds happened. It seemed like never again would these two forces of technology and musicianship combine... at least in my mind, that seemed true.
Okay. Now it's 2017. The internet makes it possible to distribute, or at least put music out there, in many more ways to many more people than ever before. This also has the down side that there is tons of crap to sift through and it is often difficult to find the gems. But, you know how one thing leads to another? One band mentions that this and that person helped out on one song, so you look up that person's album. Then you find that he/she is on tour right now with some other band and you look them up. Then, you talk to your friend who also likes that band and that friend makes a couple recommendations. Whammo. Soon you have a whole list of very potentially cool new music to check out. So, I've been following paths to seek out bands that are a little outside of the mainstream and in some cases, a lot outside of the mainstream. I'm looking for the ones that really resonate with what I'm doing right now, interested in, feeling, etc. etc. Yes, a lot happens on bandcamp, I'm basically addicted to that website right now. But, not all of it does. I find bands through bands through bands through bands and there's so much out there.
So, that leads me to my thought for today. There's better music being crafted in this day and age than ever before. So much is built off music of the past. So much is new. Musicians are still wholeheartedly dedicating themselves to their craft and they're coming up with fresh ways to do it. It's dern impressive. I'm sure a list will present itself at some time in the coming months... stuff that has really got me interested. For now, though, I hope that you are encouraged to do a little exploring. It's nearly impossible to find a quality radio station these days, at least where I live. There is the college stations, but really nothing else that plays anything besides regurgitated popular "hits". I'd rather barf. Even when they play songs or bands I like, it's the stuff I've heard too often. College stations, I still give a way thumbs up. Keep doing what you're doing.
There's so much out there on the internet that it can be overwhelming sometimes. But, the great bands are still out there. They're just not doing it in front of stadium crowds like Led Zeppelin did. They're doing it in living rooms and in tiny venues, and they're releasing it free or really cheap. If you find something good, encourage them. Spend a little money on a really good band or send them a Christmas card. Get out there. Get excited for music.
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